Who We Are


Better health of populations in resource poor countries globally through the use of information produced by high quality, productive and sustainable routine health information systems.

Regional RHINOs

With the support of the MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV technical team, RHINO, as a Global RHIS Advocacy and Knowledge Management (KM) Network, aims to branch into decentralized regional networks.

For RHIS advocacy and KM to become more efficient, regions and countries need to take more ownership to contextualize the RHIS practices, advocacy and KM. All regional partners are committed to include RHIS design and implementation and to set up a RHIS advocacy and KM network in their region, based on existing models such as RELACSIS in Latin America, and the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) for South East Asia.


RHINO will achieve its vision through:

  1. Advocating for the use of routine health information in decision making and the improvement of routine health information systems in resource poor countries globally.
  2. Learning from and informing HIS professionals, managers and users of health information systems, stakeholders, partners and civil society of the latest advancements in RHIS development and use.
  3. Collaborating and coordinating in research and development of new methods, routine health information system standards, improving RHIS efficiency and effectiveness and improved access and availability of routine health information.

Leadership and Board Members

RHINO is managed through a Secretariat, hosted at JSI, and by a Board of Directors made up of technical experts from around the world.